C. Berk Biryol

About Me

Photo of Berk

I am a research scientist at UNC Chapel Hill. Most of my work involves advanced calculations and visualizations that help further the understanding of the interior of the Earth. If you think this sounds too technical and boring, you'd be surprised to know that my work also involves travelling to places and doing fieldwork out in the wilderness where no man has ever set foot on (like Antarctica for instance...). But this is not as easy as it may seem. The fieldwork part of my job requires me to carry out some laborious tasks such as diging 6 feet deep holes in the ground, mixing and pouring concrete and carrying 80 lbs concrete bags up the mountains...But it is totally worth it! :)

Aside from work, I recently became a father. I have a 1 year old daughter, whose growth (both mental and physical) amazes me eveyday. I love spending time with her and playing games. I have never imagined I would enjoy playing peek-a-boo as a grown man this much...In addition to the passion for my family, I am also consumed with computer programming and coding. Infact, I feel that coding is the best part of my current work (even better than fieldwork!!!). This is the sole reason for my decision to take some important steps towards learning web development and starting my journey towards a career in coding.